Monday, May 2, 2022

A touch tells a story

Those familiar with the languages of love know that one of them is "words of affirmation". Saying "I love you" and similar verbal queues is a wonderful way to connect, but youch itself is also a love language.

"Physical touch" is indeed listed as a love language, but most people think of it terms of a hug, a kiss, a caress or a cuddle, but it's much more than that. Our skin is the largest organ in our bodies, and that gives us a surface of 16-22 square feet on which we can feel touch. We can feel touch, movement, pressure, heat, cold, and even moisture (as well as secondary feelings from touching our hair). This give us the ability to really tell a story with our touch. A gentle caress up one's neckline, behind the ears and on the back of the neck, followed by a firm grasp pulling them towards you can send as powerful a message as anything you might say, and be loving, sensual and passionate much more than words can say.

I touch a lot. As an avid cuddler, and group-cuddling organizer, I do more touch than most folks. Often times, I find myself relying on my fingertips to say what I feel. Sometimes, it's a good way to convey my emotions to someone I have a relationship-with, when words just can't cut it. Sometimes, my touch complements what i'm saying. It also connects us in ways that words cannot, because even the most beautiful and articulated sentiment is just a few seconds long, while a touch can last for hours.

We all need more touch!

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